Art and design based on the characters from the Japanese horror manga works Tomie, Uzumaki and short story Slug Girl written and illustrated by Junji Ito and published by VIZ Media.
* D E T A I L S *
~ pins are LOOSELY GRADED, but are typically all standard with potential minor defects that are mostly unnoticeable! Please keep in mind that the parts that are plated (such as the hair, shoes, etc. are much more susceptible to these minor defects. B-grades will have more of these defects and seconds grade will contain a lot of them.
~ choice of Tomie, Yuuko (Slug Girl), Azami (Uzumaki) or the set of 3
~ nickel plating, hard enamel
~ pins range from 2.45" to 3"
~ 2 rubber backings + backstamp